The Finchers' Nest

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Uncle Duck

Uncle Duck moved back from California a while back.
He loves kids.

And they love him back!

We're so glad your part of our lives Uncle Duck!

(er, don't mind the little guy digging for gold in the background...he loves Uncle Duck too!)

Saturday, December 19, 2009

jerky jop

N made a jerky jop today.  For those of you who may be unfamiliar with jerky jops, it is a snake-like creature.  He eats worms, crabs, tree trunks, and he likes bugs.  He really likes slithering under the Christmas Tree.  Unfortunately, he is currently sick and needs to go to the animal hospital.  Hopefully he'll make a quick recovery.

This is the only jerky jop I've ever met, so if you know of any in your area, let me know.  I'm sure he would love to play with another of his kind.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

more than we bargained for

A few weeks ago, the boys went to Grandma F's.  It provided an opportunity for J and I to go to the toy store with only 1 child in tow to purchase an infant/toddler swing for C's birthday.  After going round and round with the lady at customer service they finally found the swing that their website had indicated was in stock.  The process took so long that I had to leave in the middle to go to PT, leaving J and S to make the purchase.  They brought the box home and stuck it in the basement until the big day.

When the big day arrived J brought the box upstairs and he wrapped it with some helpers.  Finally C got to open his big gift.

To our surprise we pulled out one swing,

then two swings,

then three swings,

and finally four swings.

I guess the manager will be relieved to find out that their rather large, missing inventory was in fact not stolen.  I wonder if customer service lady just gifted us with a few extra swings since we waited so long for them to find the stinkin' things.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I blinked

and this precious,

bundle of joy

grew up.

He is happy go lucky,

easy going,

thumb sucking, and deeply loved.

In this first year, he's been to the beach,

dressed up like a zebra for Halloween,

and had a not so big bash for his first birthday.

He also got his first taste

of birthday cake.

Happy Birthday sweet boy!

Monday, October 5, 2009

One Thousand Gifts

holy experience

 At the end of a day when my body, my heart, and my soul feel battered and bruised, I find myself yearning for home. The place where my eyes will never waver from the love and grace poured out on me by my Father.  Where hope doesn't fade away in the midst of daily struggles.

So now I sit here aching, but at the same time choosing to give thanks.  This blog post inspired me to give thanks in order to be renewed.  

So I give thanks for:

**kids rolling in the grass
**husbands who wash dishes
**big furry cats
**big baby smiles
**boys being boys
**dancing girls
**this picture I took today that made me laugh out loud
**mercies that are new every morning
**the man who sees beauty through the lens of a camera

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Mealtime at our house can get a bit hairy.
So, I sometimes solicit help...even in the form a four year old.
The help isn't always appreciated by the helped.
Nor is the help particularly neat.
But the help loves to help with the helpless.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Under the Sea

Under the sea
Under the sea
Darling it's better
Down where it's wetter
Take it from me
Up on the shore they work all day
Out in the sun they slave away
While we devotin'
Full time to floatin'
Under the sea!
